Let’s talks about sex.com. In a Manhattan auction room this morning what was once the internet’s most valuable domain name goes under the hammer. Potential bidders won’t be allowed in the room unless they have on them a certified cheque for $1m, the reserve price, but how much might the address actually go for?
dont skip this, its bill withers
Bill Withers is sadly neglected as one of the greatest soul singer songwriters of all time.
BOUNCE – How Champions are Made, Matt Syed
BOUNCE – How Champions are Made, Matt Syed
Illustration, Art for Children, Custom Design Services – Calobee Doodles
Really great design & illustration.
Girl Friday’s 12 Top Tips for a Greener Office : International Vision Collective

From the page: “Whilst we’re more inclined to eco-police ourselves at home by recycling household waste, switching off lights, turning down the thermostat, and replacing leaky washers (utility bills are high enough without making a bad situation worse), it seems too many of us willingly check our green credentials at the door once we reach the office.”
girl quits job on dry erase board exposes farmville boss called her hopa : theCHIVE

Girl quits her job on via whiteboard photos. Absolutely brilliant.
Bad, bad Spencer.
fbf0fa – Now You See It…Or Maybe Not | Google’s AdWords Aesthetics ~ PPC Blog

Google making the background colour disapear on their PPC ads so it’s much harder to differentiate between paid and organic listings.
The Ultra-Cultural, Un-American Education of Mr. Rut
Renrutia in London with poets & artists.
“Travel with me to the Cultural capitals of the world,where I encountered poets & artists, great & small.”
Miss BBW UK 2010: Big is the New Beautiful… | Plus Size Clothes

Miss BBW UK 2010: Big is the New Beautiful
Superman Saves Family from Foreclosure | Gimundo | Good News… Served Daily

He can leap from tall buildings, rescue damsels in distress, fight evil villains”and defend families against foreclosure?