James Bond stamps.
From the page: “For the girl on the GO! This powerful little rabbit vibe is the ultimate travel companion as it plugs directly into your car’s lighter socket, VROOM!”
This strikes me as just a tad dangerous.
From the page: “The Russian government has banned a television advertisement for denying the existence of Father Christmas.”
I believe, I believe
“Members of rival Christian orders have traded blows at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, with four people reported wounded in the fray.
Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic priests were sweeping up at the church following the Christmas rites of the Western churches earlier in the week.
Reports say some Orthodox faithful encroached on the Armenian section, prompting pitched battles with brooms.
Intense rivalries at the jointly-run church can set off vicious feuds.”
Oh how lovely, the real spirit of Christmas
Pakistan former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has died after a suicide bombing that killed at least 14 of her supporters, ex-government spokesman Tariq Azim Khan and Pakistan’s primary television networks said.
250+ links on SEO, link building, social media, blogging, copywriting, and much, much more.
A 17 year old girl, murdered by CIGNA who denied her life saving treatment despite her being fully insured.
Interesting story about digg blackmail.
“Now that tattoos can be removed through laser surgery, people wanting to permanently modify their bodies are turning to branding. Using an ultra-hot iron, people are literally sizzling their skin to create burns so deep, the scars will remain for life.”
In this video a chap gets branded with a cocktail glass design.
Perhaps his next one should be “I’m a wanna-be player” or “alcoholic in training” across his forehead?