Day 117: Drowning in white shirts
The Spittoon is a blog venue for the views and ideas of a group of writers and activists who oppose religious supremacism and clerical fascism in all its various stripes and denominations. It aims to contribute ideas to that intellectual tradition, now losing ground to power structures and religious oeorthodoxies”. Ideas which respect a willingness to dialogue, a spirit of criticism, moderation of judgment, philological scruple, a sense of the complexity of things.
From the page: A Robb Pratt traditionally animated fan film that combines classic elements from Superman through the ages.
“Wasn’t it beautiful, weren’t we cool… Oh those days! We used to mix tapes for ourselves, our friends and… for the cutest girls whom we would impress with personalized tapes, full of music they didn’t know yet. For hours we would lock ourselves on our rooms, alone with records, 12″-s, singles, a turntable and a tape-deck. A perfect mix of two times 45 minutes, and you will be remembered for ever!
Who does not remember the time ‘auto reverse’ was introduced? Wow! That was innovation! And innovation lasted: now we have Spotify! An online library with a wide range of artists and genres! And with the possibility to share it with your friends.”
How CD-Baby founder Derek Silvers learned to delegate and become a business owner rather than simply self-employed.
Rolfe Kent – best known as a film and TV music composer.
Audio slideshow: Dark sky stargazers
PHPforAndroid.apk How to install and test video.
From the page: Developing PHP applications to run natively on Android phones – PHP Classes blog