Britain’s bizarre Nazi book craze
How to Get Good at Making Money
Entrepreneur Jason Fried offers the most fundamental of all small-business advice: how to get good at making money
37 signals book on rapid web app development and running an app based business.
Create quite beutiful “word clouds” (requires Java)
From the page:
Action Fraud is the place for you to find out about fraud.
We’re the UK’s national fraud reporting centre. If you’ve been scammed, ripped off or conned, there is something you can do about it – get in touch with us.
You can now forward on scam emails you receive to Action Fraud at [email protected].”
From the page: A restaurant in London’s Covent Garden is serving a new range of ice cream, made with breast milk.
The dessert, called Baby Gaga, is churned with donations from 15 women who responded to an advertisement on an online mothers’ forum.
Zebrafish retina
Kara Cerveny, Steve Wilson’s lab, UCL
This photomicrograph shows the retina from the eye of a three-day-old zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish are small tropical freshwater fish that are widely used in scientific research. The retina is viewed here from the front, as if the viewer is looking directly into the eye of the fish. This image is of the whole eye, created by reflecting half the image across its origin to represent the naturally occurring perfect symmetry observed in the zebrafish.