Seven Ways to Get Your Client to Pay
Seven Ways to Get Your Client to Pay
The anatomy of an SQL Injection attack
Lizards from the Outback have been put on treadmills to help scientists to determine whether it is better to run on two legs or four.
Tough referring scenarios questioned and answered.
Top username.
Hmmf. Sensi was developed by Jon Hare and Chris Yates not the Darlings.
Where’s the Knighthood for the Bitmap Brothers?
From the page: “Some male birds possess a wiggling tongue-like knob on their genitals”
Afghanistan is one of the world’s most conservative countries, yet its sex trade appears to be thriving. Sex is sold most obviously at brothels full of women from China who serve both Afghans and foreigners. Far more controversial are Afghan prostitutes, who stay underground in a society that pretends they don’t exist.
From the page: “Average height provides one of the best indications of a population’s overall health. Until the last few years, U.S. citizens were the world’s tallest and enjoyed better health than the people of any other nation. Things have changed, though. Now, western Europeans’ height exceeds that of Americans, and the difference is growing larger.”
From the page: “Heart attack admissions fall by up to 40% since smoking ban”