“Braised chicken with savoy cabbage and bacon”
I have a Jones for cabbage and bacon
“Braised chicken with savoy cabbage and bacon”
I have a Jones for cabbage and bacon
“A real fake skateboard video”
“It’s a familiar story: A fan uploads a video shot at a Prince concert to YouTube, and that video promptly disappears the moment Prince’s lawyers issue a DMCA takedown notice. It may seem silly to many fans, but the DMCA instructs content hosting sites to respond to copyright complaints by instantly removing disputed content.
But in this case, it’s not at all clear that Prince had the right to issue this notice. The song in question is a reportedly excellent cover of Radiohead’s song Creep.
What copyright violation would that be? As authors of the song, Radiohead, not Prince, own copyright in the work at issue. And they’ve apparently chosen not to enforce it here — Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has reportedly objected to the takedown in a recent interview: “Well, tell him to unblock it. It’s our … song.”
From the page: “graph drawing of matrices in the University of Florida Collection”
From the page: “You got a problem with that?
Why do New Yorkers seem rude? A noted critic and essayist has a few ideas”
One Word For Zemanta: “Useful” (Zemanta is a Slovenian blogging tool that automatically suggests contextual photos and links for any post.)
Jesus On Cross in French Fries
Interesting analysis of baby naming in states with higher Latino populations, and the trends in second /third generation immigrant families to name children (esp. boys) using the grandparent’s mother tongue.
From the page: “Avinash Kaushik thinks one of the reasons why so many websites “suck” today is because of the hippo — as in the “highest paid person’s opinion.” “