Monthly Archives: May 2008

Billions of electronic-eating crazy rasberry ants invade Texas – Times Online

It sounds like the plot of a farfetched science fiction movie. Unfortunately for the residents of Texas, it is very much a reality: billions of tiny reddish-brown ants have arrived onshore from a cargo ship and are hell-bent on eating anything electronic.

Computers, burglar alarm systems, gas and electricity meters, iPods, telephone exchanges – all are considered food by the flea-sized ants, for reasons that have left scientists baffled.

5 Classics Written Under the Influence

From the page: “Many writers seek extreme experiences, including getting drunk / high / ecstatic / wasted / buzzed. And while we’re not exactly advocating altered states here, it did seem to take the edge off their writer’s block.

So, who says drugs and alcohol aren’t useful? For one thing, they’re responsible for some of the world’s greatest literature. Here are 5 classics written under the influence.”