Loved the “tall picture day”
Loved the “tall picture day”
A recent study for the company found that British workers’ IQ test scores drop temporarily by an average of 10 points when juggling phones, e-mails, and other electronic messages–more of an IQ drop than occurs after smoking marijuana or losing a night’s sleep. “This is a very real and widespread phenomenon,” said Glenn Wilson of the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London, who conducted the tests on some 1,100 volunteers. Just how long it takes to recover is unclear.
Fulham: An Old Goalkeepers’ Home?
Genie mac! A man gets pulled along on a surf board by a shark after baiting it with a chunk of meat on a fishing line! And frankly, I don’t care if it’s fake.
Two true stories worth reading.
Really good music video where what you see is what you hear.