The story of the initial loan of a few dollars to a Bangladeshi basket weaver inspiring and starting philanthropic micro-finance.
The story of the initial loan of a few dollars to a Bangladeshi basket weaver inspiring and starting philanthropic micro-finance.
Amazing paper-folding/origami gallery.
Homes of the world’s billionaires
Link Building Fundamentals: A Primer
popbitch radio.
If you are downloading stuff you wouldn’t have bought in the first place, according to economist Karen Croxson, you are probably doing the company that created the product a big favor. You, Mr `Good’ Pirate, are telling your friends, adding to the media `buzz’ and driving up sales.
“The Iraq war is now going better than expected, for a change. Most critics of the war, myself included, blew it: we didn’t anticipate the improvements in security that are partly the result of last year’s “surge.”
The improvement is real but fragile and limited. Here’s what it amounts to: We’ve cut our casualty rates to the unacceptable levels that plagued us back in 2005, and we still don’t have any exit plan for years to come — all for a bill that is accumulating at the rate of almost $5,000 every second!”