“I write to help you find and develop the genius that is inside of you. focuses on finding ways to increase your intellect, creativity, and productive capacity. My goal is to create articles and share information that is practical and effective.”
Kolin’s first real post & photo for Dark Matter – “A morning walk in Kent”
A shocking new energy powder designed and marketed to look like cocaine is set to cause a storm of controversy when it hits the shelves in Britain.
The white substance, which contains caffeine and other stimulants, is called I Love Blow and comes in a box complete with a mirror and fake credit card.
It is already on sale in ordinary grocery shops in the USA where angry parents have sending endless complaints to makers of the product and advertising watchdogs.
Drudge broke the Prince Harry news about serving in Afghanistan; doesn’t he realise or care that the remaining part of the company will now be at even greater risk as the enemy will target them further?
Absolutely irresponsible, and all in the name of a few hundred thousand more hits.