
Pah. I think it’s evolution in action and we should put metal spikes on the lamposts so those easily distracted by texting leave the gene-pool even quicker.,2933,335896,00.html
Pah. I think it’s evolution in action and we should put metal spikes on the lamposts so those easily distracted by texting leave the gene-pool even quicker.
I adored this book.
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Adam (Moojj has updated the Stumbleupon Alerter already!
From the page: “Security cameras caught a strange case of child abuse in a car wash bay at the Magical Car Wash in Orlando. They show a woman spraying a toddler with a high pressure hose while another woman watches. The footage shows the toddler attempt to run away, but she is grabbed and pinned to the wall as she is prayed on the legs, back and even her face. The manager of the car wash didn’t see the abuse until she watched the footage, but she did hear the little girl crying after the incident. She als heard the woman state, “You’re going to learn to respect me. You don’t treat me bad. You don’t mistreat me; I’m your mother.” Footage also shows the girl being stripped naked, while the two women grabbed a towel and put her back in the car. Once investigators locate the women, they said the mother will likely face child abuse charges.”
Sell your fillings! Gold at 995 an ounce.
The thumb up is for the topic, but the opinion & contents of the article are, to quote a good friend, horse shit.
“Twitter is a brilliant way to market not only yourself but your blog. However, you need to be a savvy marketer and make sure you don’t cross that invisble spam line.”
There’s no whiter place in England and Wales than Easington in County Durham. As a survey finds white working class people feel forgotten and dejected, what do the people in this former colliery town think?