Autumn Leaves by Kevin B
Dustin wasn’t born troubled or disabled. But when he was young he contracted a rare blood disease that would eventually claim his limbs … all four of them.
After that, Dustin grew into a straight “F” student with a passion for apathy.
Until eighth grade, when he found, of all things, wrestling.
“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
“Why are you glad to be alive? Count your blessings — your list won’t be the same as mine, but there will always be things to be grateful for, and you should never compare your list with others. Just be glad of what you do have.”
From the page: “99 words for boobs”
Interview with Larry Brilliant, head of Google’s philanthropy division.
Mathematica easter eggs.