Monthly Archives: March 2008

A Tibetan protestor takes part in a protest in New Delhi, India, Sunday, March 16, 2008. Nearly 2,000 Tibetan exiles, the public voice of a region now largely sealed off from the rest of the world rallied Sunday and burned Chinese flags, ramping up their protests on behalf of demonstrators inside Chinese-ruled Tibet. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)

Hands on: open-source scripting environment Komodo Edit 4.3

ActiveState announced the release of Komodo Edit 4.3 last week, the first version of the cross-platform programming tool to be distributed as open source. Komodo Edit is now tri-licensed under the MPL, GPL, and LGPL, just like Firefox. Through the OpenKomodo initiative, ActiveState has been working closely with Mozilla developers and the open-source software community in an effort to create an open platform that can provide a foundation for scripting and web application development tools.

Dalai Lama Won’t Stop Tibet Protests – New York Times

The Dalai Lama said Sunday that he would not instruct his followers inside Tibet to surrender before Chinese authorities, and he described feeling “helpless” in preventing what he feared could be an imminent blood bath.