five steps to good twittiquette
five steps to good twittiquette
From the page: “Social networking company MySpace has won the right to have the domain name transferred to it despite the fact that it was registered six years before MySpace was founded.
The fact that the address led to a ‘parked’ page with adverts for social networking sites including MySpace was taken to be evidence of an abusive registration and the domain name was given to MySpace.”
From the page: “Hyenas: the Largest Clitoris and 800 Kg of Pressure on Teeth”
No wonder their laughing.
Having an addiction problem? Well, this may mean that your mother did not eat well after conceiving you. A new research published in the journal “Addiction” shows that children whose mothers passed through a period of famine are prone to addictions later in life.
I think here we have the reincarnation of a French surrealist poet.
Branding is no longer for Fortune 500 companies and Madison Avenue agencies with excessive budgets and inadequate tracking.
Personal branding is about managing your name — even if you don’t own a business — in a world of misinformation, disinformation, and semi-permanent Google records.
We take them for granted but without them — and the unsung tech-head heroes who write them — we wouldn’t be able to get to work, sort our emails from the spam, search the Web or do a gazillion other things that algorithms make possible.