Monthly Archives: December 2007

How to get your brain up to speed | Science | The Observer

From the page: “Forget Sudoku, crossword puzzles and computer games. If you really want to train your brain, then eat dark chocolate, have plenty of sex and follow the Scandinavian example of having cold meat for breakfast.

The growing numbers of people who are trying to strengthen their mental ability through ‘brain training’ should also avoid cannabis, watching soap operas, hanging out with serial complainers or pursuing fat-free diets, according to a new book on getting ‘brain-fit’.”

WalesOnline – News – Columnists – I’ve become a bit discombobulated by this preference for nincompoop

“Nincompoop,” people shout. Given a choice of 2,500 words, nincompoop was voted Britain’s favourite, beating “love” into second place. “Mum” came third and “discombobulated” – that everyday adjective – was fourth.